SOFT : VARUS ------ Site du soft: ------------- LICENSE: -------- GPLv3 See software documentation for more informations. Location: /usr/local/bioinfo/src/VARUS --------- Load binaries and environment: ------------------------------ -> Version a77e689 #Need samtools, bamtools, fastq-dump, Star or Hitsat2 module load bioinfo/samtools-1.16.1 bioinfo/bamtools-2.5.0 bioinfo/sratoolkit.3.0.0 bioinfo/STAR-2.7.5a bioinfo/hisat2-2.1.0 module load bioinfo/VARUS-a77e689 By default the NCBI tool fastq-dump creates temporary files under ~/ncbi whose allocated space is very limited. A simple solution consist in create (or move if it already exist) .ncbi directory in your work space and making a symbolic link to this directory in your home mkdir ~/work/.ncbi (or mv ~/.ncbi ~/work/) ln -s ~/work/.ncbi ~/.ncbi Example directory for use on cluster: ------------------------------------- /usr/local/bioinfo/src/VARUS/example_on_cluster To submit: sbatch See software documentation and our FAQ ( for more informations.