SOFT : FALCON-Phase ------ Site du soft: ------------- LICENSE: -------- See See software documentation for more informations. Location: /usr/local/bioinfo/src/FALCON-Phase --------- Load binaries and environment: ------------------------------ -> Version v0.1.0-beta #Need Python-3.6.3 module load system/Python-3.6.3 module load bioinfo/FALCON-Phase-v0.1.0-beta #For runnning pipeline Copy pipeline folder in your working directory and adjust parameters. cp -r /usr/local/bioinfo/src/FALCON-Phase/FALCON-Phase-v0.1.0-beta/pipeline . vi pipeline/config.json for adjust data path vi pipeline/snakefile for adjust the path to configfile #Run in cluster mode snakemake -j 10 --cluster-config pipeline/cluster.config.slurm.json --jobscript pipeline/ --cluster "sbatch -J {cluster.J} -p {cluster.Q} {cluster.CPU} -e {cluster.E} -o {cluster.O}" -s pipeline/snakefile --verbose -p --latency-wait 60 #Run in localnode mode #snakemake -s pipeline/snakefile --verbose -p Example directory for use on cluster: ------------------------------------- /usr/local/bioinfo/src/FALCON-Phase/example_on_cluster To submit: sbatch See software documentation and our FAQ ( for more informations.